
烹饪艺术 & 酒店管理(CAHM)项目和课程都是实践性的 快节奏,让你在两个学期或更短的时间内做好职业准备!  烹饪、食品 service, baking, beverage science, hospitality — there's options for all interests 和技能.

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为什么选择PCC烹饪艺术 & 酒店管理


证书 can be completed in one semester and career-degree ready in less than 两个学期.




Experienced instructors with over 60+ years of combined industry experience.


In-state, full-time annual PCC tuition costs 83% less than the national average and 37% less than the average of our three leading culinary/hospitality competitors.



我们目前提供两种 学位和证书课程 以及各种各样的个人课程. 课程可以单独和/或参加 我们的一个项目. 


If you are not currently a student at PCC, your first step is to complete the steps 申请并完全注册.



  • 如果你正在攻读我们的学位 & 证书,审核项目要求 看看你需要哪些课程. 
  • 您也可以查看所有 课程描述 查看可供您选择的选项,并确保您有资格参加课程. 
  • 检查 课程时间表 看看目前的报价. 所有CAHM课程均列于“HOSP".
  • 在LancerPoint注册! (如果您需要帮助注册,请查看 注册指南).


主厨Colleen Wong Nanno 
主厨Colleen Wong Nanno  Director of Culinary Arts 烹饪艺术与酒店管理系
关闭 主厨Colleen Wong Nanno Director of 烹饪艺术 烹饪艺术与酒店管理系

As 烹饪艺术 Program Director at 太阳城集团官方网址导航, I have been teaching in 在来PCC之前,我在大学部门工作了13年以上.  我有机会教书 at Cal Poly Pomona (also my Alma Mater), Art Institute of California Hollywood, and 长滩城市学院.  我在酒店行业工作了23年以上 多年来,我享受着每一分钟.  对我来说,离开是一个很容易的决定 into this industry, but I later learned that teaching this art is where my passion 真正的谎言.  在这个行业工作多年,并在 Cal Poly Pomona (Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management), The Culinary Institute of America (Associates of Science in 烹饪艺术), and the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (Masters in Hospitality Administration), I have had the pleasure of working in restaurants, bakeries, hotels, convention centers, owned a catering business and consulted for Plant-Based Cooking Classes for Kaiser Permanente. 我是 很荣幸把PCC称为我的家外之家. 

The success of each student is extremely important to me, I try my best to get to know my students well and understand that all of you have lives outside of school.  I have had the opportunity to have students call me strict but fair, funny and relatable, understanding of students but not at the sacrifice of lowering expectations.  我是 她是一位母亲,完全理解生活与工作之间的平衡.  请知道这是开放的 communication with me is always the best, you can always send me a message, or make an appointment and we can connect and figure out a way to help you succeed!
马克·基恩 酒店总监 烹饪艺术与酒店管理系
关闭 马克·基恩酒店总监 烹饪艺术与酒店管理系

亮点: Earn academic credit from a curriculum designed by the only California 社区 学院酒店及旅游管理(HTM)讲师(Dr. M. 基恩) earned a doctorate in philosophy from the highest-rated American academic institution (UniveristyHQ, 2023; Khan, A.李,S.Park, K., 2013)

基础知识: ¡尔巴布埃纳岛! 我的名字是Mark 马克·基恩 (KEE-nah),我的人称代词是he, his, 和埃尔. 我嫁给了博士. 布莱恩·C. 并收养了两个孩子. 我是第一次迭代 college student, the 酒店总监 for the CAHM (烹饪艺术与款待 Management) Department, and an assistant professor in the 业务 Division. 我开始 将于2019年秋季在PCC举行.  
Education and Industry Experience: I spent half a decade in seven heart-of-the-house 沃尔夫冈·帕克等厨师手下的职位. 我很快发现,领导力、服务、 management, and operations ignited my passion to exceed guest expectations and transitioned to the front-of-house after completing a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Liberal Arts from Whitter College, California, with concentrations in Studio Art and 历史 of Art.

One-half of my 20-year-long industry career was earned at The Disneyland Resort in 加州阿纳海姆,在33号俱乐部这样的餐厅. 我开始在缅因街咖啡馆工作 over a dozen positions from host to sommelier to company trainer across both theme parks―and finished at the luxury restaurant in Disney’s California Adventure by Robert 蒙达维,名为葡萄园房. 同时,我获得了四个行业头衔:认证 Sommelier, Certified Specialist of Spirits, Certified Wedding Planner, and Certified 导游®.

I was raised in San Diego, live in Riverside, have remained on the West Coast, and pursued a decade of luxury experience with companies such as The Ritz Carlton and 继迪斯尼之后的《太阳城集团官方网址导航》. 在我获得科学硕士学位之后 酒店管理 from Collins College, California State Polytechnic University Pomona, I was inspired to return my zeal for hospitality to students as a professor. I completed my industry career serving in management positions at 678 (a private entity with three restaurant-bar-night club outlets), Patina Hospitality Group, and two upscale 牛排餐厅. 之后,我获得了酒店和酒店管理的哲学博士学位 印第安纳州西拉斐特普渡大学旅游管理专业毕业.

我是 currently authoring three academic books on alcohol tasting, production, and service components through the lens of wine (Enologist), spirit (Alembicist), and 啤酒(Cervist)行业专家.
Call to Online Teaching: Online pedagogy is an opportunity to personalize knowledge, be sensitive to differences, promote equitable moments, and convey respect to all 人. It allows me to reach a broader audience to teach the influence and benefits of equity, inclusion, gender diversity, and culturally responsive teaching in the 在线学习环境.

呼吁公平: I condemn the growing acts of violence and discrimination―stemming from continued colonialism and racism―that are perpetrated against historically marginalized groups 比如LGBTQ2SA+、黑人和亚裔社区. 很明显,尽管承认 of this concern by many advocates and world leaders, these despicable actions have 只是频率继续上升. 我承诺通过研究和 the work of unheard activists to instill values of diversity, multilingualism, and 多元文化主义.

爱好: 昆虫学,担任潜水大师,和飞蝇钓鱼.